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At Børneloppen, you can find great deals on second-hand children's items. Visit the Børneloppen store near you!


Click on the map to see the address and opening hours of your local Børneloppen.


Rue de la clef 28, 4620 Fleron
Opening hours
Du lundi au samedi de 9h à 18h


Chaussee de Bruxelles 90, 1410 Waterloo
Opening hours
Launching offer - Offre de lancement
Opening Saturday 24th of AUgust - Ouverture le samedi 24 août
Opening hours - Horaires d'ouverture
Monday - Saturday 9am to 6pm - Lundi -Samedi de 9h à 18h
We are open - Nous sommes ouverts
Bookings open - Les r